Monday, April 30, 2007

Kiki's 25.

One of the true survivors of the notorious minefield that is the world of a child actor, turns 25 today and there's a lot to celebrate about Kirsten Caroline Dunst's career.
From the underrated Marie Antoinette to Interview with the vampire via such treasures as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or the Cat's Meow or even being the best thing in Drop Dead Gorgeous, Ms Dunst brings a lot of screen presence and sparkle to her roles.

Besides the Witherspoon-Portman-Johansson trifecta, I think she's one of the few name above title openers. Actually, scratch that. Only Witherspoon stands as a real contemporary and considering she's five years older, that ain't too bad in itself.

Divisive actress she may be (see Elizabethtown and everything else not mentioned above) but she's gonna be around a long time, and we better get used to it.

So Happy Birthday Kirsten, and here's to more fine performances from yourself.

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